
Order Cancellation Policy for

At, we understand that sometimes circumstances change, and you may need to cancel an order. We strive to provide a seamless and transparent order cancellation process to ensure your satisfaction. Please review our order cancellation policy below:

Cancellation Period: You may cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it. After this period, orders are processed for shipping, and cancellations may not be possible.

Cancellation Process: To cancel an order, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Go to the “Order History” section.
  3. Find the order you wish to cancel and click on the “Cancel Order” button.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the cancellation process.

Refund for Cancelled Orders: If the cancellation request is made within the specified period and the order has not been shipped, a full refund will be issued to your original payment method. The refund may take up to 3 days to reflect in your account, depending on your payment method.

Late Cancellation: After the 24-hour cancellation period has passed, orders are considered final, and cancellation may not be possible. In such cases, please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for information on initiating a return.

Contact Information: If you encounter any issues or have questions about the order cancellation process, please contact our customer support team at

Note: reserves the right to modify this order cancellation policy at any time without prior notice. It is advisable to review the policy periodically for any changes.

Thank you for choosing We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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